
Looking for the King of Kings

Men’s Bible Study – Fall 2024

Stonebriar Community Church

Politics is a messy business—it always has been. People vie for power, often in unscrupulous ways. Rulers abuse power for their gain. Tomorrow’s political corruption can be found as a mere repetition of the depravity found in the dusty pages of the Old Testament.

The story of 1 and 2 Kings chronicles how the kings appointed by God ultimately used their political might to rebel against the One who gave them their position. God’s response was to raise up His own mouthpieces or prophets, armed with miraculous signs and wonders, to proclaim condemnation for Israel’s idolatry and grace-filled messages of hope. While the nation divided and both sides eventually fell into enemy exile, the prophets of God proclaimed His wondrous glory with a promise of a coming King of all kings.

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Christianity: Our Call

What are Christian men called to?

In our Western world of rugged individualism, Christians tend to think of God’s call on their lives as personal and even private. We often equate our job or training with God’s call – He made us nurses or designed us for sales. While some believers speak with vivid assurance of God’s personal call, others struggle because they haven’t had any spiritual eye-opening direction and feel they are living without purpose or fulfillment.

The Bible shows us that the call of God is corporate and communal. Every person has an individual role to play within the community of believers—the church. But how are we to live out our faith in this way? What is our reason for living, the goal of the church, and the ultimate intent of salvation? Where do we belong in God’s purpose and plan, and how do we fit into the Biblical story? God’s Word is rich and clear in answering these questions and is the foundation for this men’s Bible study.

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Christianity: Our Life

How do Christian men live life?

Guys, although we desire to live right, to lead our families and lives well, we might not always be living the way we intend. In fact, as Christian men, some might not know precisely how they should live. What does it mean to live out our faith? With our culture constantly changing and challenging the timeless truths of God’s Word, how should we live to get the abundant life Jesus promised?

This fall, you are invited to embark on a series called “Christianity: Our Life” which will guide you to and through the commands for all believers. We will establish our identity as Christian men from the Bible through baptism and the Lord’s Supper. We’ll discover the purpose of reading the Bible and prayer. Together, we will discover the biblical truths of living a life of worship to the Lord, godly stewardship, and evangelism.

Learn to live your life and lead those around you as Christ commanded.

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Christianity: Our Faith

Christianity: Our Faith

What do believers believe?

Lots of people call themselves Christians. Today its common to hear a lot of Christless ideas associated with Christianity. However, the New Testament primarily uses the term “believers” when referring to followers of Jesus. The idea of a believer is that they hold specific beliefs which make them Christian.

Most men desire to lead their families and lives well. Whether a new believer or a veteran of the faith, Christian men often desire to grow closer to the Lord and get deeper into His Word but don’t necessarily know how. This spring, you are invited to embark on a series called, Christianity: Our Faith, which will guide you through the beliefs of Scripture. We will develop an understanding from the careful study of Scripture of the historic truths about God, man, sin, salvation, the Church, and the end of time. Through this process, you will be grounded in truths that allow you to live your life for Christ.

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Christianity: Our Bible

You might have attended church for most of your life. You may have sat through countless sermons and Sunday school classes but in a time of crisis, do you really know what the Bible says? Do you know how God’s Word can help? Do you know what the Bible says about the Bible?

Most men desire to lead their families and lives well. Whether a new believer or a veteran of the faith, Christian men often desire to grow closer to the Lord and get deeper into His Word but don’t necessarily know how. This fall, you are invited to embark on a series called, Christianity: Our Bible, which will guide you to and through the truths of Scripture. We will establish the Bible as the Word of God—the primary source of authority in the Christian’s life. Learn how the books of the Bible were assembled, the Bible’s authorship, and its implications, and the accuracy of God’s Word. Furthermore, you will learn how we are meant to read, interpret, and understand Holy Scripture, and how guides and anchors us through the crises of today.

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Unlocking Paul’s Travel Strategies

The Apostle Paul has been the greatest missionary-theologian to ever live but he didn’t start out that way. In fact, he led the charge in the persecution of the early church and sought to stamp it out of existence. Twenty chapters in the book of Acts record the transformation from killer of Christians to martyr for the faith. In the course of these twenty chapters, Paul crisscrosses the Roman Empire, traveling over 10,000 miles, visiting 59 cities and writing 13 letters that make up almost half of the New Testament. Join us as we journey with Paul to understand his love for his Savior and his willingness to proclaim Him to the ends of the earth.

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